Custom-made aesthethic implants

Facial implants

A simple, predictable solution for trauma or oncological patients or even patients who want to alter their aesthetic appearence. A fully digital, 3D-printed facial implant concept, allowing maxillofacial surgeons to extend their treatment portfolio.


Concept description


Our implants are completely tailored to fit the anatomy of the patient and to contain the personal preferences of the surgeon. Thanks to an extensive digital toolset and 3D-printing, Trimedy can visualize, design and engineer multiple features which will benefit the quality-of-life of the treated patient.

Optimized design

Based on mirroring, imaging, extensive research and experience, in combination with both the patient's preference and the surgeon's input.


Clinical indications

Trauma and oncological patients

Facial and orbital reconstructions after e.g. tumor resections or fractures.

Aesthetic alterations

Ranging from masculinisation, over transsexual adaptions, to augmentations and corrections.


Multiple segments

To reduce the necessary size of the incision to insert the implants, the design of the implants can be split into multiple pieces, that can be interconnected by an interlocking mechanism.



To create an ideal and optimal interface between the 3D-printed implant and the various soft and hard tissues, the implants are treated with an extensive protocol of a combination of surface treatments: 

  • SLA to promote osseointegration
  • High gloss polishing
  • Anodization 
  • Lattice structure for secondary fixation


Osteosynthesis screws

You are free to choose the brand, type and number of fixation screws. Just let us know your preferences and we adapt your design as needed.

General workflow


Perform a radiological scan following the scan requirements.

Ordering the facial implant

To place an official order, kindly forward the DICOM files along with a written prescription to

Design of the facial implant 

Our assigned engineer will initiate the design of the implant and provide you with the design proposal within 5* business days.

Approval of the design

To approve the design proposal, kindly send a signed copy of the document to  

Production + delivery

Once we receive the signed design proposal, we begin the production of the facial implants. The shipment is scheduled to occur 10* business days after the design proposal approval.


The patient is treated within the hospital.

The implant itself is manufactured by means of 3D-printing medical grade Ti6Al4V Grade 23 ELI.

Except for some additional options, the standard price includes:

  • Segmentation
  • Design (incl. meetings)
  • Facial implants
  • Biofunctionalization
  • Statement of Conformity
  • Indicative screw length document
  • Shipment
How do I create an order?

To place an official order, kindly forward the DICOM files along with a written prescription to This can easily be done by using e.g. WeTransfer.

Both new and existing clients can enjoy design input and advise based on our own experience and expertise, which is included in the sales price. We are open for brainstorming about your ideas and/or concerns, and will gladly guide you through the whole process, based on your own need and preference.

After placing your order, you can expect a first design iteration within 5* business days. After approval of the design proposal, your facial implants will be shipped within 10* business days.

*Unless specified otherwise due to circumstances

The medical images (DICOM) of the patients, accompanied by a written prescription.

Please contact us, if you are interested in receiving the scan protocol.

Inside the box you can find:

  • The ordered implants
  • An indicative screw length document
  • Statement of Conformity

Depending on the ordered options, you will also find:

  • Reshaping guides
  • Osteosynthesis screws
  • Anatomical model

The implants are delivered company-clean, and are to be cleaned and sterilized using the standardized steam sterilization protocol of your hospital. 

Please contact us, if you are interested in receiving the sterilization guidelines.

You can contact us via the contact page, e-mail or by calling the following phone number: +323/369.57.90.